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Multidisciplinarni Pristupi u Edukaciji i Rehabilitaciji (MPER; Multidisciplinary Approaches in Education and Rehabilitation) is a scientific journal published by Association of Special Educators STOL. MPER employs double-blind peer review and publishes original research papers, review articles, and other scientific papers in the field of special education and related sciences. 

To ensure that your submission meets our publishing standards, please review the following submission guidelines:

  • Originality: All papers must be original works that have not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. MPER publishes review articles, case studies, and original research papers. As of 2023, MPER no longer publishes professional papers. Submissions must be original and not redundant publications. Redundant or duplicate publications, where authors present the same data or ideas in multiple papers, will not be accepted.

  • Authorship criteria: All listed authors must have made significant contributions to the research. This includes conceptualizing the study, collecting and analyzing data, or drafting and revising the manuscript.

  • Formatting: Submissions should follow the guidelines outlined in the APA 7 manual. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins and should include a title page (Times New Roman, font size 14, centered), authors' names and their affiliations (Times New Roman, font size 12, centered).

  • Length: Research papers should not exceed 6,000 words (including references), while review articles should not exceed 7,000 words (including references). The main body of the text should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12.

  • Abstract: All papers must include an unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words, summarizing the main points of the article.

  • Figures and tables: All figures and tables should be included in the manuscript and must be of sufficient quality for publication.

  • References: All references must be properly cited and listed at the end of the manuscript according to APA 7 citation style.

  • Review process: All submissions will undergo a double-blind review process, and authors can expect feedback within 30 days.

By following these submission guidelines, you can increase the likelihood that your submission will be accepted for publication in MPER. If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines or the submission process, please contact us at Every submission sent to the Journal must contain three files: title page, cover letter, and full anonymized manuscript. 

The title page of the paper should include:

  1. Title of the paper - the title should be concise and informative, clearly reflecting the topic of the paper.

  2. Authors' names - the names of all contributing authors should be listed on the cover page.

  3. Name and address of the institution - the name and address of the institution where the authors are employed or studying.

  4. Authors' contact information - authors' contact information should be listed on the cover page, such as email address, ORCID ID, phone number, and address.

  5. Information about research funding;

   6. Information about conflicts of interest.

Cover letter should include a brief summary of the manuscript, highlighting its significance and originality. Additionally, ensure that the cover letter confirms adherence to the journal's publication guidelines and authorship criteria. Note: Authors are required to propose two potential reviewers for their manuscript within the cover letter. Each proposed reviewer should be listed with their full affiliation and contact email. To maintain impartiality, suggested reviewers must not be affiliated with any of the authors' institutions. Please note that the editor retains full discretion in selecting reviewers and may accept the proposed names or appoint other experts at their discretion.

The full paper contains the title, abstract, and text of the paper (usually structured according to the IMRAD structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). Tables and figures are incorporated into the text of the paper and not sent as separate files.

Papers should be sent to the email: or through our online submission system (click here)

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