Multidisciplinary Approaches in Education and Rehabilitation- MPER
Scientific journal published by the Association of Special Educators STOL

Multidisciplinary Approaches in Education and Rehabilitation
ISSN: 2637 -3270 (print)
ISSN: 2831-137X (online)
Review Process
Initial Editorial Review
All manuscripts first undergo editorial review. Only after it is established that they meet the journal's standards and fit its aims and scope are they sent for peer review.
Double-Blind Review Process
This journal uses a double-blind review process, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process. Each paper is reviewed by at least two external reviewers. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not reveal their identity.
Post-Review Process
After receiving the reviewers' reports, authors are required to submit a revised version of the manuscript along with a cover letter explaining the changes made in response to the reviewers' suggestions. Additionally, if any comments were not addressed, the authors are expected to provide a justification.
Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers have a maximum of 21 days to submit their review and are required to inform the editorial office of any potential conflicts of interest that might affect their objectivity during the review process. Furthermore, they must treat the manuscript as a confidential document.
Median Time from Submission to First Decision: 14 Days