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Multidisciplinary Approaches in Education and Rehabilitation  (MPER) is a collection of papers from the conference of the same name, which has been held once a year since 2018.  MPER applies double-blind peer review and publishes original research papers, review papers, and other scholarly works in the field of special education and related sciences. To ensure that your submission meets our publication standards, please review the following submission guidelines:
1.    Originality: All works must be original works not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. MPER review articles, case studies, and original scientific studies. Starting from 2023, MPER does not publish expert view articles.
2.    Formatting: Submissions should follow the guidelines outlined in the APA 7 manual. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins and should include a title page (Times New Roman, font 14, centered), the names of authors and their affiliations (Times New Roman, font 12, centered).
3.    Length: Research papers should not exceed 6000 words (including references), while review papers should not exceed 7000 words (including references). .
4.    Abstract: All papers must include an unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words, summarizing the main points of the article.
5.    Figures and tables: All figures and tables should be included in the manuscript and should be of sufficient quality for publication.
6.    References: All references should be properly cited and listed at the end of the manuscript according to APA 7 citation style.
7.    Review Process: All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process, and authors can expect feedback within 30 days.
By following these submission guidelines, you can increase the likelihood that your submission will be accepted for publication in MPER. If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines or the submission process, please contact us at


Authors should send the title page and the full paper on mail conference:

The title page of the paper contains:

  1. The title of the paper - the title of the paper should be short and informative, and should clearly reflect the topic of the paper.

  2. Names of authors - the names of all authors who contributed to the paper should be listed on the title page.

  3. Name and address of the institution - name and address of the institution where the authors are employed or study.

  4. Author Contact Information - Author contact information should be listed on the title page, such as email address, ORCID ID, phone number, and address.

  5. Information on research funding;

  6. Conflict of interest information.

The full paper contains the title, abstract and text of the paper (usually structured according to the IMRAD structure: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). Tables and the like are incorporated into the text of the paper.

Papers are sent to

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